Fishery Training Report

Tuesday April 04, 2023 - 08:38:29 in Reports by Super Admin
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    Fishery Training Report

    On March 26, 2023, Hibo Fishery Community Development Organization started fishery training which benefited young fisherfolk people from some municipalities in the Benadir region such as Hamar Wayne, Shangani, Shibis, and Abdiaziz districts.

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On March 26, 2023, Hibo Fishery Community Development Organization started fishery training which benefited young fisherfolk people from some municipalities in the Benadir region such as Hamar Wayne, Shangani, Shibis, and Abdiaziz districts.

Thistrainingwasaimedatenhancingtheirknowledgeoffisheriessotheycouldmanagetheirlives.ThetrainingcamefromthegoodCoopperationbetweenHiboFishery, Italian Military Command Contingent in Somalia, Banadir Regional Administration, and four districts mentioned above.

Hibofisheryhasprovidedtheparticipantsvariousfisheries-related lessons to improve the participant's fishing skills and experiences. The youth people were  selected from the above-mentioned municipalities, the subjects they received during the training include:

1. Basic safety

2.  Netmending

3. Basic math

4. Fish processing

5. Basic orienteering and seamanship

6. Practical lessons on fish gear, navigation instruments, and fish marketing.

During the training, experienced teachers from Hibo Fishery gave valuable lessons.

This training was an intensive course on the above subjects to enhance the knowledge of the young fisher folk. The Banadir Regional Administration needs more young men and women from other districts to be trained and equipped.

Hibo Fishery Community Development Organization appreciates the good collaboration and cooperation with the Italian military Contingent and is very grateful for the contribution from the Italian government.

The training finished on 2nd April after practical lessons and a visit to the Hamarweyne fish market. The beneficiaries were 12 young men and women selected by four districts, and it was implemented by Hibo Fishery.

Through the course of fishery and orienteering the participants learned how to take carefully a boat into the sea, do good fishing, and do first fish handling on the boat to land good fish products. Doing post-harvest and marketing good products in the fish market. Besides that basic mathematics to do a good fishing business empowers them to do sustainable business.

Hibo fishery is ready to always introduce training with high qualifications and professional experience with the help of creating a fishing career for young people who need to work in the fisheries.

Hibo Fishery Community Development Organization.


Chairman Hassan Mohamed Roble (Hassan Yare).

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